The Ministry for Consumer Protection is the the first ministry exclusively dedicated to consumers. The primary objectives of the Ministry for Consumer Protection (MPC) are to shield consumers, provide them with essential information, and encourage responsible consumption within the populace. The activities of the MPC are structured around three core strategic pillars: fostering sustainable consumption, ensuring legal safeguards, and maintaining high standards of food safety.​​​​​​​
FAQ consumers
One of the important features on their website is the FAQ section, which addresses consumers' common concerns about repairs. It covers topics like 'lack of conformity' and the guarantees applicable to second-hand cars. 
My task involved making this FAQ content more engaging and understandable by creating social media carousels. I focused on maintaining a consistent visual style to simplify complex information for a broader audience. Over two months, I designed a total of 19 carousels, split into two phases for better audience engagement.
New Consumer Rights
The new law states that the legal guarantee of conformity now applies to digital content and services as well. The animation serves to clarify which services this guarantee is applicable to and when it comes into effect. This explanation was illustrated in an animated video. 
My task was to design graphics for the animation within the existing visual brand guidelines.
Animation ↓ 
Last but not least...
Merry Christmas!
This project was created during my work at neon internet.
Credits: Misch Strotz, Sacha Schmitz, Patricia Prosperi & Julie Wieland

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